Some relevant
examples of Sara’s consulting experience include:
1. Development of Nursing Plan reporting templates for Hospital,
Long term care, Public Health and Community sectors: Areas included
in the Nursing Plan Reports include: Nursing leadership
infrastructure, Nursing Human Resources including new graduates,
Student placements and use of unregulated care providers,
Utilization (e.g. overtime, sick time, agency use, attrition rates)
and Manager span of control. (Sponsored by Nursing Secretariat, MOH
& LTC)
2. Board strategic
planning: including the design and facilitation of staff, physician
and community consultation process and final strategic planning
3. Project leadership
: Design, implementation and evaluation of knowledge transfer
strategies to enhance physician documentation of cancer stage
(provincial scope).
4. Project management:
leadership development project involving a partnership between 3
health care organizations.
5. Project management:
leadership succession planning project involving a partnership
between 3 health care organizations.
6. Design,
implementation and evaluation of professional practice structures
and roles (profession specific and inter-professional)
7. Leadership
development : Design, implementation and evaluation of a nursing
staff leadership development program
8. Design and
evaluation of knowledge transfer strategies to enhance physician
engagement in documentation practices
9. Organization
restructuring : job analysis and work/role and process redesign
10. Operational
reviews: including care delivery models, skill mix and staffing
patterns and associated budgetary implications
11. Design and
facilitation of “evidence based practice” workshops across Canada
(joint venture between RNAO and Health Canada)
12. Design and
implementation of electronic documentation system and standards